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I decided to do an Homage to some of my favorite YouTubers.  Here are the things you can craft to make the gear: CS Gem, 54x Iron, 60x Iron, MMP Stone, DanTDM Gem, ExplodingTnT Gem, TangoTek Gem, Logfella Block, Xisuma Gem.  You can craft the unbreakable Captain Sparklez Sword, the super powerful Minecraft Minute Parodies pickaxe.  If you want night vision, the DanTDM helmet is for you.  The ExplodingTnT chestplate gives you resistance.  The TangoTek leggings give you fire resistance.  The Xisuma boots improve your movement speed.

God Gems are crafted from a host of items.  They are used to make Mianite, Ianite, and Dianite Gems.

The Mianite set includes the Mianite Spear and Sword of Trust.  The spear does 11 dmg and is unbreakable.  The Sword of Trust is unbreakable and does 7 dmg.  It automatically has Bane of Arthropods 5.

The Dianite set includes the Sword of Dianite, the Dianite Battle Axe, Marlin, and Nemo.  Marlin and Nemo are regular fish crafted with some resources that are used to craft the weapons.  The Battle Axe does 12 dmg, is unbreakable, and comes with Fire Aspect 3.  The Sword of Dianite does 20 dmg and is unbreakable.

The Ianite set includes Ianite's Blade, Captain Capsize's Cutlass, Jardon's Rose, and Agent Newmo.  Jardon's Rose is required for the cutlass, and Agent Newmo is the best spy-fish around.  The Ianite Blade does 12 dmg, is unbreakable, and comes with Looting 4.  The cutlass does 10.5 dmg and is unbreakable.

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