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These are the best food for late game!

All Golden Foods have 10 Food and Very High Saturation.  But, each one has a level 2 effect that lasts for 90 seconds.

Golden Potato: Absorption

Golden Beetroot: Speed

Golden Eggplant: Haste

Golden Peach: Strength

Golden Pineapple: Regeneration

Ultra Foods are crafted with Ultrafood Gems.  They are the best food for high leveled players to eat on an average day.  Every single ultra food provides a full bar of food and has Extremely High Saturation, but they don't give any effects.  They are, as follows:

Ultra Potato

Ultra Berry

Super Foods are crafted with Superfood Gems.  They have even high saturation than Ultra Foods and still fill the entire hunger bar.  Plus, they give you an effect that never ends until you die.

Sugared Flesh: Nigh Vision 

Vanilla Evolution is the Greater than Any Other Mod

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