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There are many ores in this mod.  I wanted to add them all at once, for convenience of updating the mod.  They are as follows:
Malachite, Bacon, Torch, Wood, Limestone, Basalt, Gneiss, Shale, Nickel, Bauxite, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Carbon, Tin, Copper, Cobalt, Meteorite, Ultrafood, Superfood, Amber, Onyx, Seasonal, Ruby, Peridot, Amethyst, Adamantium, Vibranium, Dwarf Star Alloy, Slime, Energetic, Ancient, Elemental, Selenite, Beryl, and Enderite.

So, basically, a lot of ores.  It would be confusing to keep track of all of these, so there is a guide to help you!  Each Ore is in a different Category (Basic, Novice, Advanced, Master).  If you stumble across any ores while mining, try to find it in one of these four categories to find out about it.

Vanilla Evolution is the Greater than Any Other Mod

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